Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The new plan...

So, I've been wondering to myself what the heck I'm going to do about this whole coffee dilemma, and decided that I need to wean myself off the gigantic venti peppermint mocha latte I've been getting every morning at Starbucks. I love them, but I checked on the nutritional info and discovered that it contains a whopping 500 calories, 10 grams of fat, 81 grams of carbohydrate, and 17 grams of protein! Yikes, no wonder it tastes so good!

That 81 grams of carbohydrate alone is twice the amount of carb I'm supposed to be consuming every day. It's a wonder I lost any weight at all. Plus it's just a huge drain on my pocketbook. OK, so now I'm going back to making my own coffee at home with stevia and a little sugar and cream until I can cut it all back to nothing. Wish me luck, 'cause I'm gonna need it.

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